Reasons why eLearning is essential for students!
- Students need to be engaged with what
they are doing to improve learning outcomes – See technology engages
- Enables students to become
thinkers/learners/risk takers in a sheltered environment.
- Learn not to rely on the teacher…be
accountable themselves…become independent!
- Teaches digital literacy.
- Valuable employable skills in a digital
world are learnt –appropriate online behavior, good digital citizenship, cyber
safety, plagiarism, working with virtual teams, self discipline in a
virtual world, digital and global entrepreneurship, globalization etc.
- Broadens the horizons of many students as
it exposes students to the world outside their city or country town.
- Fits in with Rural Education where
students in small rural schools need no longer be disadvantaged by
distance and isolation, as technology allows them to learn virtually and maintain
their subject choices and other specialist subjects to be taught across
schools by a virtual teacher.
- Allows a mobile learning environment –
anywhere, anytime, anyhow!
- Inspires students to seek more from
- Gets kids to go to school!
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