
"Smart-dust: Hitachi Develops World's Smallest RFID Chip"

Nicknamed "Powder" or "Dust", the surface area of the new chips is a quarter of the original 0.3 x 0.3 mm, 60µm-thick chip developed by Hitachi in 2003. 

This RFID chip is only one-eighth the width of the previous model. Hitachi expects this tiny size will open the way to new applications for wireless RFID chips. 

The RFID "powder" can be incorporated into thin paper, such as currency, creating so-called "bugged" money.

The RFID Loc8tor can identify special RFID tags from a distance of up to 183 meters (600 feet), and the RFID chips have GPS capabilities. 

"By taking advantage of the merits of compactness, high authenticity and wireless communication, and combining it with Internet technology, the µ-Chip may be utilized in a broad range of applications such as security, transportation, amusement, traceability and logistics."

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Weird facts about human body

Weird facts about human body
Men lose about 40 hairs in a day and women lose 70 hairs in a day.
Your blood has same amount of salts in it as an ocean has.
You are taller in the morning than you are at night.
Heart circulates blood in your body about 1000 times each day.
Eyelashes last about 150 days.
There are 500 hairs in an eyebrow.
The average human body contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells.
It is not possible to sneeze with open eyes.
Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.
Average life span of a taste bud is only 10 days.
You are born without knee caps and they don’t appear until age of 2 to 6 years.
Children grow faster in springtime
Eyes stay the same size throughout life but nose and ears never stop growing.
We born with 300 bones but end up with 206 bones when we are adult.
Human skull is made up of 26 different bones.
Hair is made of same substance as fingernails.
Our entire body functions stop when we sneeze, even your heart beat.
Tongue is the strongest muscle in human body.
Typical person goes to bathroom six times a day.
Food takes 7 seconds to reach stomach from mouth.
Children have more taste buds than adults.
Sneeze blows air out of nose at the speed of 100 miles per hour.
Largest muscle in your body is one on which you are sitting on.
Smallest bone of body is in ears.

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Pictures From Space

Vegetation Pattern around lake George New York. The change in seasons is vividly displayed in four satellite images of Lake George, New York. Snow covers the land in winter, the first greening of vegetation pops up in spring, the landscape is green with plants in summer and finally, fall colors show the green vegetation is dwindling.

These images allow scientists to study the same place at different times of year. This helps scientists learn how different plant types respond to changes in temperature, amount of daylight and rainfall. Over time, variations in normal patterns may be observed. Changes in plants are caused by various factors, including drought, excessive heat or cold and insect infestation.

The four satellite images (taken in different years) were captured by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer on NASA's Terra satellite.

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Wildlife Crossings Saving Lifes

Wildlife Crossings

Wildlife crossings are structures that allow animals to cross human-made barriers safely. Wildlife crossings may include: underpass tunnels, viaducts, and overpasses (mainly for large or herd-type animals); amphibian tunnels; fish ladders; tunnels and culverts (for small mammals such as otters, hedgehogs, and badgers); green roofs (for butterflies and birds). 
Wildlife crossings are a practice in habitat conservation, allowing connections or re-connections between habitats, combating habitat fragmentation. They also assist in avoiding collisions between vehicles and animals, which in addition to killing or injuring wildlife may cause injury to humans and property damage.

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Largest Star in the Universe

Largest Star in the Universe

VY Canis Majoris

The undisputed king of the hill here is no doubt the most easily recognized star, VY Canis Majoris. This topper of the top 10 largest stars list is much less in density but has a whooping solar radii of 1800-2100. If set in place of our Sun, it would easily engulf all the space up till Saturn. 

Roughly 5000 light years away from us, VY Canis Majoris is also known as one of the brightest stars in our discovered universe. Many scientists are engaged in speculation over the type of death VY Canis Majoris is bound to have. Many state that will go off as a hyper nova and part of it will be converted into a black hole. The dissemination of VY Canis Majoris may light up the entire galaxy for up to 12 weeks!

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Instant Quiz 60 Seconds

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Roman Colosseum

The Roman Colosseum is the most famous monument to have survived from the classical world. It was built nearly two thousand years ago for the purpose of hosting violent gladiator games. Thousands of men and animals fought for their lives in the sandy arena. A few gladiators and warriors found glory there. Some even found fame and riches but many more died an anonymous death, providing entertainment for eager Roman spectators.
The powerful associations and images evoked by the Roman Colosseum express both the majesty and might of the Roman empire. It dominates the space it occupies, towering above the surrounding Roman streets and buildings. It is a symbol of the imperial might and architectural ingenuity of the Roman empire that dominated the ancient Mediterranean world for centuries. The story of the amphitheater and its gladiator games from their origins through the zenith of their development and into the decline and eventual fall provides a unique insight into the evolution and fall of the Roman empire itself.

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All about Android

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later bought in 2005. Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance: a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. The first Android-powered phone was sold in October 2008. 

Android is open source and Google releases the code under the Apache License. This open source code and permissive licensing allows the software to be freely modified and distributed by device manufacturers, wireless carriers and enthusiast developers. 

Additionally, Android has a large community of developers writing applications ("apps") that extend the functionality of devices, written primarily in a customized version of the Java programming language. In October 2012, there were approximately 700,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play, Android's primary app store, was 25 billion. 
(Source - Wikipedia)

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Wolffia angusta

Smallest flowering plant in the world - Wolffia angusta.

Wolffia, commonly referred to as watermeal and misidentified as duckweed, is officially the world’s smallest flower, with each bloom weighing about as much as two grains of sand. It takes about 5,000 of these teeny-tiny flowers to fill a thimble, and they’re amazingly small when seen against the grooves in a human fingerprint. Woffia sometimes grow in colonies that form a dense-looking mat on sheltered waters. 

The only way to identify the exact species of a wolffia flower is to view it under a microscope.

Each wolffia flower has a single pistil and stamen and produces the world’s smallest fruit, called a utricle. It has no leaves, stem or roots, floating freely in quiet freshwater lakes and marshes. Woffia is highly nutritious, serving as food for fish and waterfowl in nature and occasionally cultivated for use as livestock feed or even human cuisine. It’s eaten as a vegetable in Burma, Laos and Thailand.

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Camouflage is the art of not being seen

Camouflage is the art of not being seen, practiced by predators, prey and plants. Color might help an organism blend in with their environment - even when the organism itself cannot see in color  Body shapes can make them appear to be some other object common in the same surroundings. Patterns might sometimes make an animal more noticeable, but they can also help disguise outline. The tiger's stripes and the giraffe's patches make them almost impossible to detect in dappled light.
As seen here, the Eastern Screech Owl is taking advantage of an ancient technique provided to its kind by evolution. 

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Welcome to free world of flip questions.

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FlipQ is powered by which is a global free learning and networking website for students, educators and institutes.
All FlipQ(Flip Questions) are general understanding memorizing type . This will help the student to understand the concept or self assess for understanding only.

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9. Auto naming of flip cards once launched.
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11. Term, Short answer ,Fill in the blanks and True and false categorized.
12. User can select one or all categories to flip.
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Discovery of radium

Radium is one of the few metallic elements that constantly emit invisible radiations. Such elements are called radioactive elements and the radiations they emit are called ‘radioactive’ rays. There are three types of radioactive rays— alpha, beta and gamma rays. Radium, due to the emission of the radioactive rays, disintegrates and finally gets converted into lead Half of this radioactive element gets converted into lead in 1622 years. This is called the ‘half life’ of radium. In the next 1622 years, half of the remaining substance decays into lead. This process continues indefinitely. The radioactive rays are so powerful that they can pass through different kinds of substances including the human body. These rays are very useful in the treatment of cancer. 

Do you know who discovered radium?

Radium was discovered in 1898 by a French married couple, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie. The story of its discovery is very interesting. In 1896 Henri Becquerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. He found that the uranium emits a kind of invisible radiations which are more powerful than even the X-rays. In 1898 Pierre Curie and Madam Curie, found that thorium also emits similar radiations. They thought that pitchblende, which is the ore of uranium, must contain some other radioactive substance too. They started refining pitchblende in order to obtain the new radioactive element. They had to work in a tin-shed because they could not afford a proper laboratory on account of limited means. Without caring for rains and storms, they worked day and night. Finally, they succeeded in extracting 100 milligrams of radium from several tons of pitchblende. They found that this flew element was much more powerful than uranium.
Pure radium is white in color. It is quite heavy and thousands of times costlier than gold. The quantity of pure radium available in the world is very small. Radioactive rays are very harmful to the body. If handled carelessly its radioactive rays can cause bad radiation burns. There are 16 isotopes of radium. The most common is radium 226. it is used in medicine to destroy cancer growths.

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Short Note on Globular Clusters


Globular Clusters are symmetrical systems of up to a million stars formed about 13 to 15 billion years ago, and as such they are the oldest surviving stellar subsystems in galaxies. As of 1993, there were about 125 of these known in our own galaxy, most of them in a spherical halo surrounding the wheel-like shape formed by the spriral arms.

A typical globular cluster is a nearly symmetrical system of stars, with the highest concentration of stars near its own center. In these central regions of the cluster, the stars are so closely packed that often it becomes difficult to distinguish individual points of light from each other.

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Great Minds Of All Times !

Great Minds Of All Times !

A. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, E. Herzen, Th. de Donder, E. Schrödinger, J.E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R.H. Fowler, L. Brillouin; P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W.L. Bragg, H.A. Kramers, P.A.M. Dirac, A.H. Compton, L. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr; I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Skłodowska-Curie, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, Ch.-E. Guye, C.T.R. Wilson, O.W. Richardson

Fifth conference participants, 1927. Institut International de Physique Solvay in Leopold Park.

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The study of stamps

Philately is the study of stamps and commonly refers to stamp collecting, although technically one can study stamps without owning them. It is a very popular hobby with millions of collectors worldwide wide. Philately can be broken down into four basic categories: Acquisition, Organization, Display and Study. 

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Monkey Orchids

Monkey Orchids

These incredible looking flowers are monkey orchids. There are two species shown here, Dracula simia (the ones that look like monkey faces) and Orchis simia (which resemble little dancing monkeys).

Dracula simia are only found in the cloud forests of southeastern Ecuador at elevations of 1000 to 2000 meters and their flowers smell likes ripe oranges. Orchis simia are found in Europe, the Mediterranean, Russia, Asia Minor and Iran and the flowers smell strongly of feces!

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500 Seconds

It takes 500 Seconds for a Sun-Ray to travel from sun to the earth

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Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1872–1928) became the first person to reach the South Pole.

In December 1911, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1872–1928) became the first person to reach the South Pole. Aboard the shipMaud, Amundsen and his crew set sail from Oslo, Norway, for the South Pole in September 1910. As it turned out, Amundsen was in a race to reach the South Pole with the crew of English captain Robert Falcon Scott (1868–1912). Amundsen and his crew landed on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica, on February 10, 1911. Using dogsleds, Amundsen and his party of nineteen men traveled 600 miles (965 kilometers) over the ice to the South Pole, where they planted the Norwegian flag. Scott and his crew took a different route and arrived at the South Pole a month after the Norwegian team. While Amundsen and his companions were able to return safely to their base camp on the Ross Ice Shelf, Scott's party perished in bad weather on the return trip across the ice.

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Lightning strikes

Lightning strikes produce O3, which is ozone, and strengthen the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

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